FLORPRIME WB This product is a solvent-free, low viscosity epoxy resin-based adhesion promoter. It is used as non-porous substrates prior to the application of epoxy or polyurethane flooring material. This product is Eco-friendly, Low VOC, water-based with a high level of mechanical and chemical resistance. It is highly recommended for green building.


    • Low viscosity with maximum penetration, soaking into the capillary pores.
    • Strengthens the top layer of substrate.
    • Excellent adhesion to any substrate.
    • Compatible with subsequent Epoxy and Polyurethane Top Coats.

    • FLORPRIME EP is suitable for concrete surfaces prior to the application of any of the FLORPRIMESL / EPU SL / FLORPRIME MD range of resin-based floor toppings, FLOROCOAT EP/FLOROTHANE range of coatings or FLOROSCREED range of epoxy repair mortars.
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